What is the overall goal of the design project?Are you trying to sell more products or get awareness of your product/ service? | How does your company differ from your competitors?
What are your target market’s demographics & psychographics?
(ie. the age, gender, income, tastes, views, attitudes, employment, geography, lifestyle of those you want to reach)
tip: If you have multiple audiences, rank them in terms of importance.
What copy (text) needs to be included in the design? | What pictures/ photographs/ diagrams etc. need to be used?
What size is the design going to be? | Where is it going to be printed / used? The web, business cards, stationery, on your car? | File formats?
Please provide some examples of what you consider to be effective or relevant design even if it is from your main competitors. This will set a benchmark for the designer.
Provide a schedule of the project and set a realistic deadline for the completion of the work. Take into account the various stages of the design project such as consultation, concept development, production, modifications and delivery.
Briefly describe the sustainable policy or practises of your company/ project along with your social/ environmental values/ objectives.